shut your eyes.

say yes don't say no
cause i'm ready now and I want to go

what if i cry cry cry i won’t
so i die die die no i won’t
i wanna know SO PLEASE SAY IT ISN'T SO...

it's now and we're too late
there's no time for a debate
but if you swear you'll never leave
then i promise you i will be the one
who stays there all along

so shut shut shut your eyes
it sounds so good right now
and you came as a big surprise

stay true and don't give up
we’ve only started now so please stay up
but if i shout shout shout my name
you'll always remember my name
i want to know PLEASE SAY IT IS SO

so shut shut shut your eyes
it sounds so good right now
and you came as a big surprise

so shut shut shut your eyes
it sounds so good right now
and you came as a big surprise

shout out louds
bastiH - 3. Mai, 08:26

shout it out loudly....

frankH - 3. Mai, 14:05

und wie laut... in alle himmelsrichtungen und aus leibes kräften... vergebens! verstehst du, verdammt nochmal VERGEBENS!!! bin kaum in der lage, klar zu denken... oh man, diese frau lässt mich nicht los...
bastiH - 3. Mai, 15:39

dann lass du sie los......

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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 16. Jul, 09:41


letters to mind.

Dante Alighieri
Die Göttliche Komödie

music to mind.



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